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Advent - This Year Will Be Different, Part 1
Advent- This Year Will Be Different, Part 1 Recap When we think of Christmas, there is so much energy, excitement, busyness, and effort...
That You May Believe - November 24th
That You May Believe - Week 11 Scripture John 6:1-71 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 Gospel Conversation Let's keep the conversation going. Use the...
That You May Believe - November 17th
That You May Believe - Week 10 Recap When we think of the narrative of Jesus feeding the five thousand with five barley loaves and two...
That You May Believe - November 10th
That You May Believe - Week 9 Recap Last week we asked whether we can become so familiar with Jesus that we forget who he is? This week...
That You May Believe - November 3rd
That You May Believe - Week 8 Recap Is it possible that we can become so familiar with Jesus that we forget who He is? That we only see...
That You May Believe - October 27th
That You May Believe - Week 7 Recap Last week we experienced the narrative of the Samaritan woman at Jacobs well and her life-altering...
That You May Believe - October 20th
That You May Believe - Week 6 Recap As our journey continues through the Gospel of John, we have experienced examples of faulty faith in...
That You May Believe - October 13th
That You May Believe - Week 5 Recap What do we mean by "Loving Christ more than…"? To address the thought, we have to understand the...
That You May Believe - October 6th
That You May Believe - Week 4 Recap Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus reveals that being born again is the one, and only, qualification...
That You May Believe - September 29th
That You May Believe - Week 3 Recap The beautiful thing about grace is that it not only covers the very worst of our lives, it also...
That You May Believe - September 22nd
That You May Believe - Week 2 Recap In Jesus' arrival as the Incarnate Christ, He reveals the Father's heart to accommodate His children....
That You May Believe - September 15th
That You May Believe - Week 1 Recap Augustine (4th-century philosopher and theologian) describes the Incarnation of Christ as God's...
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