That You May Believe - Week 12
In the Gospel of John chapter eight, we find a narrative that has been the center of debate for centuries by biblical textual critics. Why such a theological fuss over eleven verses in the Gospel of John? Because it does not appear in the original manuscripts of the New Testament. Yet, our forefathers thought it necessary to include such a powerful narrative of grace and mercy.
What is the truth that we are destined to discover when reading the account of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery?
The greatest truth of this story of the woman caught in adultery goes beyond the assumed message of grace only. The greatest truth revealed here is who Jesus is in relation to the prophets of old, namely Moses. Here in John chapter eight, Jesus establishes that He is greater than the prophets of the Old Testament, including Moses. Jesus re-writes the Law, which He originally inspired by not stoning the woman but freeing her to sin no more. Jesus is the Son sent to reveal the heart of the Father. The foundation of righteousness and holiness is based on grace found only in the Father through His Son Jesus.
Jesus is not only greater than the Pharisees, Moses, and the Law if that were not enough, He is greater than the sin of adultery. He is greater than all of our faults, failures, and sins. Being the only sin-less one in the crowd that day, He performed the greatest act of mercy and grace by not exercising His right to stone this woman caught in the act of adultery. Instead of stoning her to death, He covered her with grace that conveyed life in the shadow of sure death.
When all of this woman's accusers vanish after Jesus writes in the dirt, she remains alone with mercy. In the end, what more do we need in the face of our humanity than to be left with mercy?
John 8:1-20
Galatians 5
Matthew 9
Gospel Conversation
Let's keep the conversation going. Use the following questions to discuss with your family, friends, or Connection Group.
1. What does God want me to know?
2. What does God want me to do?
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