How do you prepare your heart for Easter? Ancient Christ-followers observed Lent over a 40 day period leading up to Easter Sunday. Beginning on Ash Wednesday, believers devoted themselves to the practices of prayer, abstaining, and generosity in preparation for Easter celebration! Here at Hope, we recognize that our congregation is made up of people from all different backgrounds and church traditions that may or may not have observed Lent. This year, we are providing resources and events to help you and your families prepare your hearts for Easter by observing Lent together.
Scripture Reading What better way to prepare our hearts for Easter, than spending time with Jesus? Over the next 40 days, we'll be jumping into a scripture reading plan that follows Jesus from the last days of his earthly ministry through his death, resurrection, and ascension. This plan includes a short, daily scripture reading, with more devotional content and reflection questions available in the YouVersion Bible App.

Monday March 17 | Matthew 26:45-50
Tuesday March 18 | Matthew 26: 50-56
Wednesday March 19 | Matthew 26: 56
Thursday March 20 | Matthew 26: 57-67
Friday March 21 | Matthew 26: 59-75
Saturday March 22 | Matthew 27:1-5
Complementary Resources We have also curated a wealth of resources to help you engage with the ancient practices of prayer, abstaining, and generosity during this season of Lent.
Family Resources For Lent/Easter
These resources have been curated by our amazing HopeKids Team, to help you engage with your children and families to explain what Lent is, why we observe it, and how it can help us to grow with God!
Practicing The Way / Rule of Life Podcast
Last week, we shared the first Rule of Life podcast episode of each practice series, so we're keeping the momentum going with episode 2! For more info on each practice, and free group resources, check out www.practicingtheway.org
Book Recommendations

Weekly Check-in & Reflection We've included a few questions for you to return to each week to help you perform a self "check-in" throughout this Lent season.
What am I praying for this Lent Season, and how has prayer impacted those things?
How has my abstaining or fasting challenged me and pushed me towards Jesus?
Where was I generous this week, and what can I be generous with this week?