The story of Advent begins in the Old Testament. The fact of progressive revelation is that of the revealing of the Messiah through prophets and time. From Genesis chapter 3, we were on God’s heart and mind. This leaves us as His creation without doubt of His great love for us, even in our failure. Join us for a journey back to the promises of the Old Testament and see them revealed right before your eyes, not just in the event of Advent but in the person of Jesus.
Sunday, Dec 1st | Pastor Matthew - Born of Man
Read: Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-23
Reflect and Discuss:
Advent means to anticipate the arrival of someone important. Who or what are you anticipating during this year's advent season?
How does the fulfillment of Old testament prophecies change the way you view Jesus' birth and your relationship with him?
Monday, Dec 2nd
Read: Isaiah 7:14; 9:6
Pray: Lord Jesus you are Immanuel, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. Everything in this world rests upon you. Oh, that I would remember these truths, holding fast to your promises.
Tuesday, Dec 3rd
Read: Luke 1:26-28
Pray: God, all honor and glory belongs to you and you alone. Help me to rest in the truth of knowing that the God of all creation is here with me in this moment just as you were with Mary. Thank you for your presence, Lord Jesus.
Wednesday, Dec 4th
Read: Luke 1:29-33
Pray: I praise and thank you Father for the gift of salvation you've given us in your Son. You sent Him to be born and to die so that I may be reborn and live. May your heart and the good news of Jesus be magnified in this new life you've bought for me.
Thursday, Dec 5th
Read: Luke 1:34-35
Pray: Dear Heavenly Father, the miraculous birth of your Son can be difficult to understand, but help me trust in you as Mary trusted you. May your will be done in and through my life, even when it doesn’t make sense. In Jesus name, amen!
Friday, Dec 6th
Read: Luke 1:38
Pray: Father, help me to trust you like Mary did. You are sovereign over my life, give me faith to trust you in the midst of the unknown in my life.
Saturday, Dec 7th
Read: Luke 1:46-55
Pray: Heavenly Father, help me to magnify your soul and rejoice in you as Mary did. Thank you for the ways in which you look upon the lowly and bring to us the gift of new life. Your mercy has outstretched from generation to generation and will not fail.