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Our Mission is to empower college students to intentionally orient their lives around the Way of Jesus, through the discipleship of older established adults in the local church.
What do group meetings look like?
share a home cooked meal in the leader's home
break off into conversations with a leader centered around the year's focus and Scripture
Pray over each other
Set up for the following week


The Gathering
Tuesday, January 21st
A time to kick-off the Spring Semester together, through worship and teaching. Invite a friend who you think would benefit from this community!
Spring Retreat
March 8th-12th
This year, we will be going to Panama City Beach to get away and encounter God. The goal of spring retreat is always other deepen our relationship with God and grow in unity with one another.
Easter Gathering
Tuesday, April 15th
A moment, towards the end of the semester, to pause and behold Christ and the sacrifice he made for us through worship, prayer, and walking the way of the cross.
Jamaica Mission Trip
July 27th - August 2nd
We will be taking a team of 11 students down to partner with Jamaica Relief Ministries in Montego Bay, Jamaica and put on a VBS program for a few local churches and ministries in the area.

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